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TOP 5 Reasons Why Living In The UK Cheers Me Up!

Some of those reasons add to my everyday convenience and joy dramatically ! I will speak about those that are not usually discussed (like the abundance of work opportunities or people respecting the road signs!) and are so gladly welcome in my life.

1. Politeness.

Whether that's down to the culture or what people are just used to do, meeting polite people happens most of the time. Some everyday examples: while walking our dog in the park we make way for cyclists to pass and they always thank us. Everyone thanks the driver when getting off the bus- such a nice gesture for someone who works for you. People are happy and willing to help when they see me struggling to pull the baby's buggy up a pavement or up the stairs of a shop. Such a lovely action to get you going when having a hard day!

2. Parenthood Is Actively Supported.

Being a parent is the most fulfilling but probable the longest and hardest project of your life. Living in a world that does not appreciate and support that is awful and exhausting. Fortunately, that's NOT the case in the UK. From simple reactions, like being offered a seat when pregnant or carrying your baby, to giving you priority in healthcare and providing additional family support, UK has what it takes to give you that helping hand when you most need it.

3. Every Personality and Culture Is Gladly Accepted - And Celebrated.

Differences among people are not only accepted but happily celebrated as well. And you don't even need to think how to do it, it just magically happens when you live in a society that someone's skin tone or nationality or religious beliefs or appearance makes absolutely no difference in how they are treated and how they treat you. You are free to be yourself and you will always find people who admire you and your preferences, while everyone else if fully respectful of them.

4. No Appearance Stereotypes, Just Living Our Life Exactly How We Like It.

This is very much related to number 3, but I would like to mention it separately. There is nothing like people expecting you to be somehow or look somehow just because you are a woman, a mother, a worker. Your choices are not judged just because you don't fit into a stereotype's profile. I can be a mother and still cover up myself in tatoos and piercings , as well as be a trusted professional while choosing a crazy hair color.

5. Almost Everything Can Be Done On-Line.

You don't need to worry about getting queued to get something done when it's done online, right? And I am not talking about buying shoes, clothes or equipment. That's the case for so many everyday to-dos: ordering my garden waste bags from the council (and getting it delivered to my door), setting up my medication as repeat prescriptions (so the pharmacy can have it ready without me visiting the doctor - or even delivered), ordering my photos for printing and delivery.

Healthy, happy and prosperous living everyone!

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