It's Not A Cake!
This is a recipe I have been wanting to try for a long time... dressed herring under a fur coat. It looks like a cake but it's not! A delicious and very impressive Russian layered salad for a dinner night or a party!
2-3 thick salted herrings
1 medium onion 5 medium potatoes 4 carrots 4 beetroots 4 eggs 1 small jar of mayonnaise
Boil the vegetables until they are soft but still can be grated or diced.
Boil the eggs hard.
Peel the skin from herrings, cut them along the spine. Take all bones away. Cut herring meat into very little pieces, approximately 1x1 cm and always check for bones.
Prepare the onion by dicing it and put it in boiling hot water for 5 minutes. Mix the diced herring and onion.
Take a large dish, put herring and onion evenly on the bottom.
Then spread a thin layer of mayonnaise evenly.
Grind potatoes and make the next layer of it. Spread mayonnaise. Use a fork to plane the layers.
Then goes carrot (grind, put, spread).
Then you do the same with the beetroot.
Spread mayonnaise on the beetroot and grind the eggs on top.
This salad has to stay in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
Healthy, happy and prosperous living everyone!